Linergy Cloud
The new web platform for configuring and controlling emergency installations based on Linergy centralized systems.
It is possible to access the service from any tablet, smartphone or PC browser. For the mobile devices, Spy Manager, an app which allows the monitoring of the main parameters of the installation of interest, is available for free.

Fast visualization
It is possible to quickly assess the installation status by the colour of some simple icons:
No anomaly
Anomaly detected
Test failure detected

Intuitive user interface
Entering the installation section all the central units and/or the bluetooth luminaires will be visualized.
The overall situation is therefore monitored in real time. It is possible to query each central unit and monitor the main details of the system and of the single luminaire

It is possible to configure the system to automatically send an email in order:
Report the test outcome
Report any anomaly
This allows to effectively and rapidly manage the emergency installations and have all events under control. As a consequence, the maintainance and possible replacement of any faulty luminaire will be dramatically simplified.
Moreover, it is also possible to request, at any time, the general report of the installation.

Graphical maps 1
Linergy Cloud features a graphical map management service. Once the planimetry of the building has been loaded, the position of each luminaire can be entered by dragging and dropping its icon on the map. A click on the icon of the lamp will make all the relevant information available.
Graphical maps 2
The coloured frame around the icon of each lamp graphically shows its status, informing about possible anomalies. A legend helps to identify the lamp status based on the frame colour:
Status OK
Functional test FAIL
Duration test FAIL
No communication
Lamp removed

Luminaires management
A graphical filter allows to only show on the map the luminaire of interest (identified univocally by its serial number). The list of the available lamps also allows the user to identify each luminaire in the map by clicking on it and higlight its position.
Assessing the status in 5 steps
After the initial set-up, Linergy Cloud monitors every parameter in a very simple way. With a few steps any anomaly will be identified and located.

It will be like being physically in front of the central unit
Direct connection
If necessary, it will be possible to directly log in the central unit of interest and operate in the system web server, like being phisically in front of the unit.
Intallation log
It is possible to generate and download an installation register, in pdf format, with the main information of the installation.
Compatible products
The following centralized systems come with Linergy Cloud.
Enter the cloud
If you already hav a Linergy Cloud account, click below, enter your data and click "Login" in order to access your installations.
If you don't have a Linergy Cloud account you have to activate one by registering. Click below and then "Register now" to request new access credentials.